Accomplishments of the CBD Alliance since 2002

Since its inception in 2002, the CBD Alliance has become the focal point for civil society around the CBD. Following the broad mandate, the CBD Alliance has achieved many successes:

  • It is widely recognized as the communications and focal point for CSOs, by the civil society community, the Secretariat and many Parties
  • It has a robust list serve of over 420 people that connects many and serves as a primary information sharing and discussion forum for CBD issues
  • Those indviduals belong to over a100 different organizations
  • It has produced over 120 issues of ECO since 2002
  • It has funded 93 Indigenous and Southern participants to attend meetings through civil society selection process
  • It has organized preparatory strategy sessions at most major negotiations since 2004
  • It has organized capacity building sessions for civil society representations held prior to negotiations
  • It has produced substantive briefings on key issues for both COP 9 and COP 10, COP 11 and other CBD intersessional meetings
  • It has permitted joined letters between several member organizations on several issues
  • It has published several publications
  • It is a platform to enhance cooperation with other civil society networks