Members of the CBD Alliance have gathered a number of recommendations as a set of Ingredients for a successful Post-2020 GBF that is to be discussed during OEWG-5 and COP 15 from December 3 to 19, 2022. You can find the entire document and each chapter separately below.
Ingredientes para un MMDB exitoso Nov 2022.pdf
(492.32 KB)
(146.71 KB)
Goal A
(156.25 KB)
Goal B
(138.73 KB)
Goal C
(132.83 KB)
Goal D
(131.58 KB)
New Proposed Goal E- Effective Implementation
(177.35 KB)
Target 1- Planning
(145.39 KB)
Target 2- Degraded ecosystems
(125.59 KB)
Target 3- Conserved areas
(205.46 KB)
Target 5- Use of wild species
(121.48 KB)
Target 6- Invasive alien species
(132.62 KB)
Target 7- Pollution
(187.94 KB)
Target 8- Climate Change
(193.17 KB)
Target 9- Benefits
(125.71 KB)
Target 10- Agriculture and forestry
(198.34 KB)
Target 11- Air quality
(123.27 KB)
Target 12- Urban areas
(115.32 KB)
Target 13- Access and benefit sharing
(133.15 KB)
Target 14- Governments
(133.1 KB)
Target 15- Business
(165.47 KB)
Target 16- People
(129.79 KB)
Target 17- Biotechnology
(144.55 KB)
Target 18- Perverse Incentives
(192.77 KB)
Target 19.1- Financial Resources
(194.49 KB)
Target 19.2- Other resources
(130.7 KB)
Target 20
(132.4 KB)
Target 21- Participation and rights holders
(181.61 KB)
Target 22- Gender equality
(184.76 KB)
New Target
(141.49 KB)
Theory of change- section D ( GBF )
(122.98 KB)