CBD Alliance

see below for French translation


The GBF must lead to rapid transformative change.  Human rights must be an integral part of the goals and targets, and cannot be relegated to section B.bis on “fundamental premises”, a terminology that has no legal meaning, in a section that is non-binding anyway. Area-based conservation measures need effective management and gender-just, equitable governance to deliver the desired outcomes. FPIC, IPLC rights, and sovereignty over their territories must be respected and diverse governance models recognized. Protected area models that exclude IPLCs are not acceptable.

We welcome the agreement that was reached by the OEWG on self-standing targets on the rights of IPLCsand women. These need to be reinforced by clear Human Rights indicators as part of the Implementation Mechanism and Monitoring Framework. The GBF must strengthen measures to tackle the drivers of biodiversity loss, particularly those related to the impacts of big business.

To do this, governments must provide strong regulatory frameworks to control the activities of corporations and to make them liable for any infractions. Currently, the relevant targets are unacceptably weak. Vague terminology such as “nature positive” and Nature-Based Solutions should not be included, as they are based upon unacceptable offsetting proposals. The annual flow of 4.6 trillion USD in perverse incentives that harm biodiversity must end, otherwise, governments undermine their own biodiversity commitments. We need a strong, coherent implementation mechanism that addresses implementation gaps, reviews progress, and resolves challenges equitably, and a whole-of-government approach. We need to shift towards sustainable food systems, especially agroecology. We reject the current agribusiness model that involves risky biotechnologies, high inputs of pesticides and fertilizers, and threatens livelihoods, pollinators, soil, and other fauna.

A multilateral agreement on DSI is essential for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources. The precautionary principle must be preserved by establishing mechanisms -applicable to all Parties- for Horizon scanning, Technology Assessment, and monitoring of new and emerging technologies, such as synthetic biology and gene drives.    The people of the world can only live in harmony with nature if the CBD approves a GBF that is based upon environmental integrity and is genuinely rights-based, gender-just, and equitable.


DĂ©claration d'ouverture de la COP 15 de l'Alliance CBD

Le GBF doit conduire à un changement transformateur rapide. Les droits de l'homme doivent faire partie intégrante des objectifs et des cibles et ne peuvent être relégués à la section B.bis sur les « prémisses fondamentales », une terminologie qui n'a aucun sens juridique, dans une section de toute façon non contraignante.

Les mesures de conservation par zone nécessitent une gestion efficace et une gouvernance juste et équitable en matière de genre pour produire les résultats souhaités. Le consentement libre, préalable et éclairé, les droits et la souveraineté des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales (IPLC) sur leurs territoires doivent être respectés et les divers modèles de gouvernance reconnus. Les modèles d'aires protégées qui excluent les IPLC ne sont pas acceptables.

Nous nous félicitons de l'accord auquel est parvenu le OEWG (Open Ended Working Group) sur des objectifs autonomes concernant les droits des IPLC et des femmes. Ceux-ci doivent être renforcés par des indicateurs clairs des droits de l'homme dans le cadre du mécanisme de mise en œuvre et du cadre de suivi.

Le GBF doit renforcer les mesures pour lutter contre les moteurs de la perte de biodiversité, en particulier ceux liés aux impacts des grandes entreprises. Pour ce faire, les gouvernements doivent fournir des cadres réglementaires solides pour contrôler les activités des entreprises et les rendre responsables de toute infraction. Actuellement, les objectifs pertinents sont d'une faiblesse inacceptable.

Les termes vagues tels que « nature positive Â» et « Solutions basĂ©es sur la nature » ne doivent pas ĂŞtre inclus, car ils sont basĂ©s sur des propositions inacceptables de compensation (« offsets »). Aussi le flux annuel de 4,6 billions de dollars d'incitations perverses qui nuisent Ă  la biodiversitĂ© doit cesser ; sinon, les gouvernements sapent leurs propres engagements en matière de biodiversitĂ©.

Nous avons besoin d'un mécanisme de mise en œuvre solide et cohérent qui comble les lacunes, examine les progrès et résout les défis de manière équitable, avec une approche qui engage chaque gouvernement dans son ensemble.

Nous devons évoluer vers des systèmes alimentaires durables, l’agroécologie en particulier. Nous rejetons le modèle agro-industriel actuel qui implique des biotechnologies risquées, des apports élevés de pesticides et d'engrais et menace les moyens de subsistance, les pollinisateurs, le sol et d'autres espèces. Un accord multilatéral sur la DSI (digital sequencing of information / séquençage numérique des informations) est essentiel pour le partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de l'utilisation des ressources génétiques.

Le principe de précaution doit être préservé en établissant des mécanismes — applicables à toutes les Parties — pour l'analyse prospective, l'évaluation des technologies et la surveillance des technologies nouvelles et émergentes, telles que la biologie synthétique et le forçage génétique.

Les peuples du monde ne peuvent vivre en harmonie avec la nature que si la CBD approuve un GBF fondé sur l'intégrité environnementale et véritablement fondé sur les droits, juste et équitable en matière de genre.



We pay our respects to the Mohawk Indigenous peoples and their traditional lands on which we stand.

Our world is in a crisis and we need to act now to ensure that species extinction and decline is halted and reversed. It is undisputed that Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC), including IPLC women, are the most effective protectors of biodiversity and that we con-tinue to play important roles in meeting the objectives of the Convention. Our full and effect-ive participation in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework rests on the recogni-tion and protection of our rights and in ensuring that enabling conditi-ons are in place. Participation of IPLC women must be ensured from an approach of equal and complementary relations between women and men based on our vision and culture.

Our knowledge and contributions are essential across the framework. For this reason, it is crucial that references to human rights, especially IPLC rights, in key goals, targets and sections. Section B covering fundamental principles and approaches needs concrete language on our collective rights, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), other international human rights instruments, and our right to land, waters and territories.

We welcome the work done by SBSTTA-24 and the Bonn expert meeting on indicators, particularly the inclusion of potential headline indicators on land tenure and on traditional occupations. Further work is required on indicators related to linguistic and cultural diversity, and on full and equitable participation in environmental decision-making. Indicators related to IPLC-led conservation; customary sustainable use; free, prior and informed consent; community protocols and direct funding for IPLCs are additional gaps.

We reiterate the need for a clear COP15 decision on increasi-ng the amount of res-ources going directly to IPLCs. This will ensure that our actions that contribute to meeting the objectives of the Convention and the GBF are fully supported and resourced.
The decision to convene an Expert Group on the institutional arrangements and new work program of the Article 8(j) Working Group must be adopted.

We need a solution to the issue of digital sequence information that ensures our rights to our traditional knowledge and to genetic resources on our lands, including FPIC before our genetic sequences are deposited in databases. A global mechanism must incorporate our participation in its governance and provide substantial benefits for the custodians and stewards of biodiversity.

Statement on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) delivered by John Cheechoo, Assembly of First Nation (AFN), Kenneth Deer Indigenous World Association


Women's Caucus

After four years, coming all the way from Sharm El Sheik 2018, we would like to thank all the
“Gender Champions” who have supported and built the momentum of hope: hope for justice by tightly weaving women and girls rights in the post2020 GBF, particularly in Target 21 and 22, and the post2020 Gender Plan of Action.

Women and girls, from the ocean to the tundra, on top of nurturing their families and
communities, and despite the increasing negative impacts that biodiversity loss posses over them, on a daily basis, they keep shaping biodiversity by being its guardians, managers, users and defenders.

Today, for COP15 these are our recommendations:

  • Ensure human rights-based approach including the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, and gender justice.
  • Ensure gender responsiveness. It is one of the 13 principles set out for the Post 2020
    Global Biodiversity Framework taken at COP14 Decision 34, Annex Para A.2.c.
  • We welcome the Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action and urge its full and effective
  • Adopt a whole-of-society approach by recognising the diverse knowledge, innovation
    and practices to biodiversity governance, and ensure women and girls effective, equitable and full participation at all levels of decision-making.
  • Capacity-building strategies should integrate different knowledge systems, be culturally appropriate, contextual, and gender-responsive in their content and form.
  • The success of technical and scientific cooperation and knowledge management lies in
    the inclusion of women’s knowledge, practices and innovations.
  • Communication initiatives must challenge gender stereotypes, and acknowledge
    women's and girls' contributions to biodiversity conservation. Even more, partnerships with women’s groups should be set up to reach the local levels effectively.
  • Ensure that mainstreaming biodiversity policies and planning embed gender just
    accountability, and due diligence.
  • Ensure that processes for monitoring, review and reporting are gender-responsive and collect gender disaggregated data.

In summary, we have only one request for you today: Any decision resulting from COP15 should not perpetuate gender inequalities, including gender-based violence linked to the environment. Rather we encourage all Parties to find a way to, while conserving biodiversity, pursue gender equality.

Amelia Arreguin from Mexico, speaking on behalf of the UNCBD Women’s Caucus

Simangele Msweli delivering the opening statement on behalf of CBD Alliance during the COP 15.