After the adoption of the KMGBF, its successful implementation is what will make or break the future of biodiversity. There were major gains in the KMGBF targets with the language on the recognition of the rights of Indigenous people and local communities, on gender equality, on participation, and on the protection of human rights defenders, however, the CBD Alliance believes all targets should be implemented in ways that assure a fair, just, equitable, and gender-just implementation. Different members of the CBD Alliance will assess what such an implementation implies for several relevant targets, such as Targets 3, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 22. This side event will assess where we see the danger that greenwashing techniques and false solutions could undermine the positive outcomes of the GBF. Finally, the side event will provide insights on ways to include equity and fairness in the indicators, which are critical measures for implementation.