The report does not aim to present an exhaustive analysis of the whole agenda discussed at SBI 2, but rather to point out relevant aspects of key agenda items that relate to the work of civil society and that could help in the advocacy work of the organizations and networks interested in the CBD process. The report also presents references for material that could be useful to understand the negotiation process. If you wish to know more details about any agenda item not addressed in this report, please feel free to contact the coordination of the CBD Alliance in order to receive more information.
The Second Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 2) 1 took place right after SBSTTA 22 in Montreal from July 9 to 13. With 20 items on agenda, the use of time represented a great challenge specially for the Chair of the meeting Mr. Francis Ogwal (Uganda) but could also represent a risk for civil society since our time for interventions could be restricted or even phased out completely. Thanks to past experiences and the constant efforts of the CBDA, civil society is provided with some time at the end of each session to say a statement which can provide arguments to like minded parties, allow us to express concern and put pressure, and suggest specific text recommendations. However, and specially for the latter, it is important that parties are asked by the Chair if they wished to support any intervention. If they do so, the inputs provided have greater chances to be incorporated into the negotiating text. It was our fear that with such a packed agenda, this time would be phased out leaving us with no intervention and with no support for our inputs. In order to prevent this, the CBDA requested a meeting with SBI Chair and the Secretariat to address this problem which was beneficial as they were reminded of the importance of this time for us and took it into consideration for their use of the time in plenary. Thanks to this, we had enough space during all the plenaries of the SBI meeting to present interventions.