CBDA Statements SBSTTA 23


Mr. Chair,

On behalf of nearly all civil society organizations and non-profit organizations in this room - the list will be provided in writing in the interest of time – we stress that: 

We are very concerned with the lack of urgency and ambition in the discussions on agenda item 3. There is a glaring gap between what science tells us in the IPBES global assessment, endorsed by Governments, and the low ambition we have seen this week. 

SBSTTA has the mandate to discuss the scientific evidence base for the post-2020 framework. The science has never been clearer. The IPBES report tells us that unprecedented biodiversity and ecosystem loss is eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health, cultures  and quality of life worldwide. This undermines the development gains that were made in the past decades and the wellbeing of future generations and all living beings.

We also have unprecedented levels of evidence and knowledge about what must be done: transformative change is essential and needed urgently, and is still possible. The longer we wait, the higher the damage and costs for society as a whole, present and future. This will require an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework, addressing direct and indirect drivers, focused to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. This needs to include strong mechanisms for better implementation, including a whole government approach so those in charge of the drivers are bound to act.

Furthermore, for the successful development and implementation of the post-2020 framework it is paramount that the process continues to be open and inclusive, as agreed by Parties at COP14.

The world is watching us. Take a moment to ask yourself: Is this the best I can do to tackle this nature crisis? What will I tell my children and grandchildren if I fail them?

As civil society and part of this process, we urge Parties as we move into 2020 to significantly raise ambition, face up to the challenge and show leadership in halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 as a matter of the highest urgency and priority.

 Thank you chair

Signatory organizations

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) 


Born Free Foundation 





Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Friends of the Earth International

Pro Natura  Switzerland

The Nature Conservancy

BirdLife International 


Conservation International

The Pew Charitable Trusts 

Save our Seeds

Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)