CBDA at the 4th meeting of the Open Ended Working Group on post 2020 (21-26 June 2022)

The CBD Alliance is present at the resumed sessions in Geneva (SBSTTA24 / SBI3 / OEWG3)

We have delivered a statement during the Opening plenary of the meetings that you can find below. 

We also produce ECO, which is a daily publiacation that contains civil society's positions, suggestions and concerns.

Some special printed ECO issues are also produced and can be found below.

If you wish to write an article for ECO during the Geneva sessions, please put in contact with: noa.asteiner@gmail.com

If you are a member of the CBDA and wish to be part of our activities during the Geneva sessions, please write to gadirlavadenz@gmail.com to be included in our internal coordination mailing list. 

You can also follow our activities through social media:

Twitter:         https://twitter.com/cbd_alliance

Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/CBD-Alliance-279019078871039

Youtube:      https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL-W-x1w9qI-jquXZJSftnQ

For further references and information, you can visit the map of activities of our online mobilization, People's voices for Biodiversity which is an effort to amplify the voices of civil society from all over the world.