Issue 1
- Glbbale Biodiversity Outlook 4
- ICCAs & Aichi Targets
- Little progress, conflict of interests & unabated unintentional transboundary movements
- The EU at COP 13, 14, 15...
Issue 2
- IIFB Opening Statement
- Incentives for subsidy reform
- The World is not on track to stop the loss of biodiversity
- Synthetic biology: Make or break for the CBD?
- How to integrate biodiversity into the “real” global agenda?
Issue 3
- Precaution and Prevention Action to address IAS effectively
- NBSAPs - the hard way
- 500 years versus 3 days: Mount Gariwang must be protected
Issue 4
- Synthetic Biology: one of the statements that Civil Society was not allowed to make yesterday
- World Bank’s Business Indicators Threaten Biodiversity
- Biodiversity & sustainable development
- Bring Agriculture back into the CBD!
- Same word, two distinct legal contexts: What does “non-discriminatory” mean for Compliance in the Nagoya Protocol?
Issue 5
- Protected Areas, Indigenous Territories and ecosystem conservation and restoration
- Nuclear Energy; New Threats to Biodiversity
- Lake Victoria Basin: A message to policy makers
- Forests: out of the radar
- The role of collective action in the conservation of biodiversity
- Biofuels and Biodiversity
Issue 6
- Nagoya Protocol: a milestone - but still far from the finish line to stop biopiracy
- The Business Of Looking After Business Interests
- Dodo Award
- Global Multilateral Benefit Sharing Mechanism still stuck at “need” debate
- Who is steering the bus?
- Sendenyu - A Success Story of Indigenous Community Initiative towards Conservation
Issue 7
- Mainstreaming is not an easy task
- Tourism & Biodiversity
- Applause for Wise Decision on Biodiversity in Garorim Bay
- 2014 Pyeongchang Buddhist Declaration for Life-Peace
- The 2014 Captain Hook 2.0 Awards For Syn Bio Piracy
Issue 8
- The Pyeongchang Roadmap to Destruction
- India’s Delegation of Two Reflects Home Reality
- Invasive alien species problem in Japan
- Song for ICCA Pongso no Tao
Issue 9
- What will be your next steps to protect biodiversity?
- Racing to the bottom: the fate of a mountain
- Resource Mobilisation
Issue 10
- GE trees in Brazil – Will a party to the CBD disregard COP decision IX/5 (1)?
- Not enough focus on Agriculture and Small Farmers’ Rights will hurt mainstreaming!
- Keep agriculture, forestry and fisheries on the agenda!
- ig wall in front of marine and coastal management in host countries of CBD