How to submit an article?

ECOs are an open forum for CBD Alliance members to voice their views and concerns about issues in the ongoing negotiations. Articles related to the issues on the agenda for the day of publication have a strong preference, and a  regional balance among the authors of ECO articles will be persued as much as possible.

Articles are the responsibility of the author only, and do not necesarilly represent the opinions of the CBD Alliance or all of its individual members.


  • Articles should have the following length:
    • 600 words max. for a full page article; less if it includes an image

    • 200 words for a half-page

    • 400 words for an article on the front page

  • Images and drawings - preferably in black-and-white - are welcome, but please ensure that you have the right to publish them.

  • Please send your articles to

  • The editorial board will look at each submission and get back to you if there are any questions