This webinar was open to all interested organizations, and it aimed to inform a very broad group of people from civil society, involved to a greater or lesser extent in the Convention on Biological Diversity
Thank you Mr President,
I am speaking on behalf of the CBD Alliance.
With articles on GBF, horizon scanning, DSI, and the CBDA statement at the High-Level Segment.
With articles on gender-responsive indicators, human rights based approaches, the GBF, and wildlife trade
Déclaration en français : voir ci-dessous -- Declaración en español: véase más abajo
IIFB High Level Statement
Thank you, honorable Minister. It is my pleasure to share with you all the The Yunnan – Tiohti:áke Nature Culture Summit Declaration:
With articles on Participation, Rights, and One Health
With articles on geoengineering, problems with the phrase "nature positive", the rights of IPLCs and human rights