Date 16 June, 2022 Meeting OEWG4 Members of the CBD Alliance have gathered a number of recommendations as a set of Ingredients for a successful post 2020 GBF to be discussed in Nairobi from June 20 to 26, 2022. You can find the entire document and each chapter separately below. CBDA - The ingredients for a succsessful GBF.pdf Goal A.pdf Goal B.pdf Goal C.pdf Goal D.pdf Target 1.pdf Target 2- Degraded ecosystems.pdf Target 3- Conserved areas.pdf Target 4- Threatened species and the genetic diversity.pdf Target 5- Use of wild species.pdf Target 6 Invasive species.pdf Target 7- Pollution.pdf Target 8- Climate change.pdf Target 9- Benefits.pdf Target 10- Agriculture and forestry.pdf Target 11- Air quality.pdf Target 12- Urban areas.pdf Target 13- Access and Benefit Sharing.pdf Target 15- Business.pdf Target 16- People.pdf Target 17- Biotechnology.pdf Target 18- Perverse Incentives.pdf Target 19.1- Financial resources.pdf Target 19.2- Other resources.pdf Target 21- Participation & rights holders.pdf New Target .pdf New target- Gender.pdf Proposed Goal E on Implementation.pdf