Marine and Costal biodiversity

SBSTTA 24 CBDA Statements

Statements deliver as CBD Alliance during the 24th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advise

Agenda Item 3. Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 

Agenda Item 6. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (Versión en Español Disponible)

Agenda Item 7. Biodiversity and Agriculture 


Item 3. Post 2020 GBF
91.09 KB
Item 6 Marine and Coastal biodiversity
161.07 KB
Item 6 Biodiversidad marina y costera
26.63 KB
Item 7. Biodiversity and agriculture
120.02 KB

CBDA interventions - SBSTTA 24 online sessions Feb, 2021

Interventions prepared and delivered by the CBD Alliance during the online sessions in preparation to SBSTTA 24. (Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advise) 

Intervention on agenda item 3. Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 

Intervention on agenda item 4. Synthetic Biology

Intervention on agenda item 5. Risk assessment 

Intervention on agenda item 6. Marine and coastal biodiversity 

Intervention on agenda item 7. Agriculture and Biodiversity 





Intervention on agenda item 3. Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
95.63 KB
Intervention on agenda item 4. Synthetic Biology
79.16 KB
Intervention on agenda item 5. Risk assessment 
22.66 KB
Intervention on agenda item 6. Marine and coastal biodiversity 
95.27 KB
Intervention on agenda item 7. Agriculture and Biodiversity 
98.06 KB

ECO 58

All ECOs published during COP14, Cartagena MOP9 and Nagoya MOP3

Issue 1:

  • Synthetic Biology
  • Risk assessment/ Risk management
  • Local Biodiversity Outlooks

Issue 2:

  • CBD Alliance Opening statement
  • Mainstreaming Action at COP14
  • Geoengineering: Ignoring CBD decisions at the United Nations Environment Assembly?
  • The peasant's movement La Via Campesina is urging for a moratorium on gene drives
  • Herbivory: critical to coral reef health
  • Pressure Mounts for a Solution on Benefit Sharing
    for Digital Sequence Information

Issue 3 - Special IIFB issue:

  • Integration of Article 8(j) and provisions related to indigenous peoples and local communities in the work of the Convention and its Protocols
  • Biodiversity & climate change: Indigenous Peoples Traditional Knowledge is Key
  • The importance of dialogue
  • Listening to the voice of our Mother Earth
  • Statement on Socio-economic considerations
  • Review of progress in the implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020

Issue 4:

  • Do Not Betray Africa on SynBio and Gene Drives - Civil Society Organisations urge African Governments
  • UN aviation proposals threatens biodiversity goals
  • Mainstreaming
  • Addressing conflicts of interest in CBD processes
  • extinction rebellion

Issue 5:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Gene drives
  • UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
  • Environmental defenders

Issue 6:

  • Who benefits from gene drives and modern biotechnology?
  • Post-2020 plenary: A wasted afternoon
  • Farmers’ seeds underpin biodiverse food systems
  • Salmon farms are threatening Chilean Patagonia
  • Deforestation, monocultures and Strategic Plans

Issue 7

  • Illegal use of pro-GM propaganda: Tanzania orders the destruction of GM field trials
  • Will yet another GM-trial ban in Africa help the moratorium on synthetic biology?
  • Civil society on post 2020 global biodiversity framework
  • Mainstreaming human rights in the CBD: The Escazú Agreement, a contribution from Latin America and the Caribbean

Issue 8

  • Deep-Sea Mining and Biodiversity Loss
  • Target 21: Venues must contribute to biodiversity loss
  • "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it"
  • More vigorous engagement with parliamentarians
  • urged in pursuing CBD targets

Issue 9

  • Of mosquitoes and men
  • Geoengineering: C2G2 and IPLCs
  • "We are running behind..."

Issue 10

  • The Paris Agreement as inspiration?
  • A Stumbling Block for Implementation



ECO 58(1)
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ECO 58(2)
ECO 58(2) (123.94 KB)
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ECO 58(3)
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ECO 58(4)
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ECO 58(6)
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ECO 58(7)
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ECO 58(9)
eco-58-9.pdf (155.75 KB)
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ECO 58(10)
eco-58-10.pdf (58.88 KB)
58.88 KB

SBSTTA 22 - Brief Report for Civil Society

This report does not aim to present an exhaustive analysis of each agenda item discussed at SBSTTA 22, but rather to point out key and relevant aspects of the agenda that relate to the work of civil society and that could help in the advocacy work of the organizations and networks interested in the CBD process. The report also presents references for material that could be useful to understand details of
the negotiation.

The Twenty Second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 22) 1 created great expectation among civil society, specially around the agenda items related to Synthetic Biology (Synbio). In this occasion, the groups working on Synbio, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and related topics, were able to organize a number of meetings and side events but also a demonstration outside the venue 2 that called the attention of official delegates and created positive pressure for action. It is also important to highlight the concerning, increased and intense participation of the private sector in particular around Synthetic Biology.

Also, and parallel to the official meeting, the Second Conference entitled Fostering Community Conservation II 3 took place in Montreal bringing together a large number of communities, indigenous peoples and actors from around the world who are dedicated to conserving forests and biodiversity.

In summary, the hard work of civil society made it clear that our presence is important in the process and that further efforts should be undertaken to ensure and enhance a full and effective participation of civil society not only for the credibility of the process but also for the implementation on the ground as the materialization of the decisions taken at higher levels is in the hands of real stake and rights holders.

SBSTTA 22 report for civil societry
114.37 KB