
3rd Meeting of the Open Ended Working Group on post 2020

Statements of the CBD Alliance during OEWG3. The views provided in the statements refer to the first draft of the post 2020 GBF as of August, 2021 

- General views on draft 1 of the Global Biodiversity Framework

(The document includes a short version to fit the time allocated in the plenary and a longer version with a more detailed rationale)

Agenda item 5

- Digital Sequence Information 

Agenda item 4 

- Target 3: By 2030, ensure active management actions to enable wild species of fauna and flora recovery and conservation, and reduce human-wildlife conflict by [X%].

- Target 8: Minimize the impact of climate change on biodiversity, contribute to mitigation and adaptation through ecosystem-based approaches, contributing at least 10 GtCO2e per year to global mitigation efforts, and ensure that all mitigation and adaptation efforts avoid negative impacts on biodiversity

- Target 14: By 2030, achieve reduction of at least [50%] in negative impacts on biodiversity by ensuring production practices and supply chains are sustainable.

- Target 15: By 2030, eliminate unsustainable consumption patterns, ensuring people everywhere understand and appreciate the value of biodiversity, and thus make responsible choices commensurate with 2050 biodiversity vision, taking into account individual and national cultural and socioeconomic conditions.

- Text recommendation for Target 16: Ensure that people are encouraged and enabled to make responsible choices and have access to relevant information and alternatives, taking into account cultural preferences, to reduce by at least half the waste and, where relevant the overconsumption, of food and other materials.

- Statement on the General Structure of the GBF 


General views
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Digital Sequence Information
DSI OWEG3-2.pdf (141.83 KB)
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Target 3
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Target 8
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Target 14
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Target 15
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Target 16
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Letter of Concern about the procedures regarding the Long-Term Action Plan on Mainstreaming and its Action Plan

Dear Madam, Sir,

We are writing you to express our deep concern about the process regarding Mainstreaming, which currently violates several of the principles of a Party driven process. So far drafting the Long-Term Approach to Mainstreaming (LTAM) and its 'Action plan' has been conducted in an untransparent and unbalanced way. The way forward as proposed in draft SBI text SBI-3-13 would perpetuate this situation.

Moreover, due to the postponement of item 11 until the plenary of 28th May, it seems likely that there will not be time to set up a contact group on the topic, thus probably removing the possibility for Parties to address this important issue with the attention it deserves.

Even though the Informal Advisory Group has an equal number of parties as observers, the process still involves two fundamental problems:

  1. The IAG was complemented with the Extended Consultative Network, which was not a COP decision, and which includes a number of participants with a conflict of interest. There has been no transparency regarding the contributions of the ECN, although it is clear many comments have been taken on board
  2. Furthermore, a small group of parties -however balanced- cannot be the only ones to address a topic which decision 14.3 said ‘should be one of the key elements of the GBF’. The topic is indeed of key importance and deserves the full attention of all parties.

The draft recommendation SBI-3-13 proposes to continue the IAG, and to continue to promote, expand and provide support to the Global Partnership on Business and Biodiversity. There is - yet again - no clarity on the continuity or role of the ECN.

This proposal would continue the exclusion of most Parties from this fundamentally important decision, and allow the undue influence of interests that wish to avoid regulation and measures vital for addressing biodiversity destruction. Due to these conflicts of interest, they should not be part of the drafting nor decision making process.

Flawed processes lead to flawed results. And indeed, we find abundant problems in the LTAM and its action plan. We will gladly provide our views on these aspects, as well as more information which is available here.

Instead of continuing with the current process as above, we call for the discussions on mainstreaming to now be taken up as a matter of urgency by all parties to the CBD in an open and concerted process.

Mainstreaming process
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CBDA interventions - SBI 3 online sessions March, 2021

Interventions prepared and delivered by the CBD Alliance during the online sessions in preparation to SBI 3. (Subsidiary Body on Implementation) 


Agenda item 3. Review of progress in implementation of the Convention and the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020

Agenda Item 5. Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 

Agenda item 6. Resource Mobilization and financial mechanism 

Agenda Item 7. Capacity-building, technical and scientific cooperation, technology transfer, knowledge management, and communication

Agenda Item 9. Mechanisms for reporting, assessment and review of implementation

Agenda item 11. Mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors and other strategic actions to enhance implementation

Agenda Item 3. Review of progress
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Agenda Item 5 Post 2020 GBF
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Agenda Item 6. Resource mobilization
73.76 KB
Agenda Item 7. Capacity build and tech transfer
160.06 KB
Agenda Item 9. Mechanisms reporting, assessment and review
105.3 KB
Agenda Item 11. Mainstreaming
156.18 KB

ECO 58

All ECOs published during COP14, Cartagena MOP9 and Nagoya MOP3

Issue 1:

  • Synthetic Biology
  • Risk assessment/ Risk management
  • Local Biodiversity Outlooks

Issue 2:

  • CBD Alliance Opening statement
  • Mainstreaming Action at COP14
  • Geoengineering: Ignoring CBD decisions at the United Nations Environment Assembly?
  • The peasant's movement La Via Campesina is urging for a moratorium on gene drives
  • Herbivory: critical to coral reef health
  • Pressure Mounts for a Solution on Benefit Sharing
    for Digital Sequence Information

Issue 3 - Special IIFB issue:

  • Integration of Article 8(j) and provisions related to indigenous peoples and local communities in the work of the Convention and its Protocols
  • Biodiversity & climate change: Indigenous Peoples Traditional Knowledge is Key
  • The importance of dialogue
  • Listening to the voice of our Mother Earth
  • Statement on Socio-economic considerations
  • Review of progress in the implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020

Issue 4:

  • Do Not Betray Africa on SynBio and Gene Drives - Civil Society Organisations urge African Governments
  • UN aviation proposals threatens biodiversity goals
  • Mainstreaming
  • Addressing conflicts of interest in CBD processes
  • extinction rebellion

Issue 5:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Gene drives
  • UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
  • Environmental defenders

Issue 6:

  • Who benefits from gene drives and modern biotechnology?
  • Post-2020 plenary: A wasted afternoon
  • Farmers’ seeds underpin biodiverse food systems
  • Salmon farms are threatening Chilean Patagonia
  • Deforestation, monocultures and Strategic Plans

Issue 7

  • Illegal use of pro-GM propaganda: Tanzania orders the destruction of GM field trials
  • Will yet another GM-trial ban in Africa help the moratorium on synthetic biology?
  • Civil society on post 2020 global biodiversity framework
  • Mainstreaming human rights in the CBD: The Escazú Agreement, a contribution from Latin America and the Caribbean

Issue 8

  • Deep-Sea Mining and Biodiversity Loss
  • Target 21: Venues must contribute to biodiversity loss
  • "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it"
  • More vigorous engagement with parliamentarians
  • urged in pursuing CBD targets

Issue 9

  • Of mosquitoes and men
  • Geoengineering: C2G2 and IPLCs
  • "We are running behind..."

Issue 10

  • The Paris Agreement as inspiration?
  • A Stumbling Block for Implementation



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ECO 58(10)
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