ECO 65 at COP15, MOP10 and MOP4

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ECO 65(11) 18 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Snowman to snow-mess: negotiations at COP15 are opening doors to risky technologies
  • DSI decision should not undermine the scope of the CBD
  • CBD Alliance ́s High Level Segment Statement with French and Spanish translation


ECO 65(10) 17 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Biodiversity for Her: an inclusive, rights-based post-2020 GBF with gender-responsive indicators
  • Why is a human rights-based approach essential for the new Global Biodiversity Framework?
  • The Four A’s for a successful GBF: Acknowledge, Act, Accountability, ASAP
  • Wildlife trade causes pandemics and... sorry let me take my mask off


ECO 65(9) 16 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Rights over Profits
  • Montreal Declaration on Small-Scale Women Farmers for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use
  • The Elephant in the Negotiations Rooms at COP15: Global Tourism and its Impacts on Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples


ECO 65(8) 15 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Reject false solutions and uphold agroecology in the Global Biodiversity Framework

  • "A coalition of global corporations is lobbying hard to get their framework for self-reporting without accountability (aka TNFD), into the GBF"

  • Corporate rights: Limited liability, unlimited powers

  • Nature positive - positively meaningless?


ECO 65(7) 14 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Community participation from Central Asia in the GBF
  • Rights guarantees for Colombia, the “world power of life”
  • Developed Countries’ Double Standards on One Health


ECO 65(6) 13 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Legal, sustainable and safe use of biodiversity is a right of IPLCs
  • “Nature Positive”: the new “con” in conservation
  • Civil society organizations call CBD to strengthen precaution on geoengineering
  • Centering Human Rights in the global biodiversity agenda


ECO 65(5) 12 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • Grande marche pour le vivant / March for Biodiversity and Human Rights
  • A GBF that does not stop extinction now will be a failure
  • Some reflections on a Biodiversity Fund


ECO 65(4) 10 December 2022 as pdf or online

  • A message to world leaders: that conservation cannot be done without people
  • UNDROP and UNDRIP as two complementary instruments to promote, respect and safeguard the rights to enhance biodiversity

  • Human rights and biodiversity

  • Nature and culture: connectivity and rights

  • Brazilian intransigence on biotech is a violation of human rights

  • Target 3 and indicators

  • Women’s rights are human rights! 


ECO 65(3) 9 December 2022 (pdf) or read all articles online

  • Smallholder food producers - the key towards an ecologically sound and just transition in agricultural and food systems

  • Agroecology is living in harmony with nature

  • New threats for pollinators: scientists call for precautionary principle on genetic biotechnologies

  • Timeline and Steps for an Enhanced Implementation Cycle: What should the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework look like?


ECO 65(2) 8 December 2022 (pdf) or read all articles online

  • 30x30 Target – sanctioning extractive tourism and human rights violations in Africa?

  • CBD Alliance COP 15 Opening statement

  • Indigenous activists interrupted Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, demanding land rights and justice for Indigenous Peoples in Canada

  • Why should UNDROP be in the Global Biodiversity Framework?
  • Negotiate to make the Biodiversity Framework Global


ECO 65(1) - 7 December 2022 (pdf) or read all articles online

  • There can be no agreement to save nature without inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
  • What would a good COP outcome look like for Africa?
  • COP 15: an opportunity to hear the voice of the world's artisanal fishers, their contributions to the 2030 Agenda and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

  • Mother Earth has Rights too

  • Target 8, imaginary gigatonnes, and the Land Gap

  • DSI: a big trap?

  • All CBD watchdogs should guard against synthetic biology threats to biodiversity

  • Marine protected areas: both quantity and quality matters

  • One step forward, two steps backward – will Parties come to an agreement?

  • What are the benefits of a comprehensive mechanism for the implementation, monitoring, reporting and review of the CBD and the GBF?

  • Is the BRI in line with an “ecological civilization?” Whose future counts?


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