4th meeting of the Open Ended Working Group on post 2020 (21-26 June 2022) Statements from Major groups

Opening Statements: 

CBD Alliance

International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity

Women's Caucus

Global Youth Biodiversity Network 


Volume 62, Issue 1

Volume 62, Issue 2

Closing Statements:

International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity

Women's Caucus

Global Youth Biodiversity Network 

CBD Alliance 

CBDA Opening statement
IIFB Opening statement
IIFB.opening.pdf (229.58 KB)
Women's opening statement
Women's closing statement
CBD Alliance closing statement
ECO Volume 62, Issue 1
ECO Volume 62, Issue 2

CBDA at the 4th meeting of the Open Ended Working Group on post 2020 (21-26 June 2022)

The CBD Alliance is present at the resumed sessions in Geneva (SBSTTA24 / SBI3 / OEWG3)

We have delivered a statement during the Opening plenary of the meetings that you can find below. 

We also produce ECO, which is a daily publiacation that contains civil society's positions, suggestions and concerns.

Some special printed ECO issues are also produced and can be found below.

If you wish to write an article for ECO during the Geneva sessions, please put in contact with:

If you are a member of the CBDA and wish to be part of our activities during the Geneva sessions, please write to to be included in our internal coordination mailing list. 

You can also follow our activities through social media:




For further references and information, you can visit the map of activities of our online mobilization, People's voices for Biodiversity which is an effort to amplify the voices of civil society from all over the world. 

CBDA Opening Statement - Geneva meetings
53.27 KB
ECO March 21
ECO March 28
ECO March 28.pdf (1.42 MB)

SBSTTA 24 - SBI 3 Wrap up document

This document is intended as an information tool for civil society, especially for those who are unable to follow the CBD negotiations, to provide a common ground for the work that lies ahead in preparations for COP 15 and the adoption of a new Post-2020 GBF. It is composed of short information pieces that summarize what was discussed in relation to selected agenda items and highlight a few key elements base on what was experienced by CBD Alliance members during the online SBI 3 and SBSTTA 24 meetings. The content does not necessarily represent common positions nor addresses every agenda item, but it does provide a useful and relevant analysis of key issues discussed during the CBD negotiations.

SBSTTA 24 - SBI 3 Wrap up document
657.66 KB

Letter of Concern about the procedures regarding the Long-Term Action Plan on Mainstreaming and its Action Plan

Dear Madam, Sir,

We are writing you to express our deep concern about the process regarding Mainstreaming, which currently violates several of the principles of a Party driven process. So far drafting the Long-Term Approach to Mainstreaming (LTAM) and its 'Action plan' has been conducted in an untransparent and unbalanced way. The way forward as proposed in draft SBI text SBI-3-13 would perpetuate this situation.

Moreover, due to the postponement of item 11 until the plenary of 28th May, it seems likely that there will not be time to set up a contact group on the topic, thus probably removing the possibility for Parties to address this important issue with the attention it deserves.

Even though the Informal Advisory Group has an equal number of parties as observers, the process still involves two fundamental problems:

  1. The IAG was complemented with the Extended Consultative Network, which was not a COP decision, and which includes a number of participants with a conflict of interest. There has been no transparency regarding the contributions of the ECN, although it is clear many comments have been taken on board
  2. Furthermore, a small group of parties -however balanced- cannot be the only ones to address a topic which decision 14.3 said ‘should be one of the key elements of the GBF’. The topic is indeed of key importance and deserves the full attention of all parties.

The draft recommendation SBI-3-13 proposes to continue the IAG, and to continue to promote, expand and provide support to the Global Partnership on Business and Biodiversity. There is - yet again - no clarity on the continuity or role of the ECN.

This proposal would continue the exclusion of most Parties from this fundamentally important decision, and allow the undue influence of interests that wish to avoid regulation and measures vital for addressing biodiversity destruction. Due to these conflicts of interest, they should not be part of the drafting nor decision making process.

Flawed processes lead to flawed results. And indeed, we find abundant problems in the LTAM and its action plan. We will gladly provide our views on these aspects, as well as more information which is available here.

Instead of continuing with the current process as above, we call for the discussions on mainstreaming to now be taken up as a matter of urgency by all parties to the CBD in an open and concerted process.

Mainstreaming process
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